Welcome to semirrígidas and neumáticas.com by Yeray Sánchez from the RIB teacher planet channels!

This website will be exclusively dedicated to guiding and clarifying all the doubts surrounding the safest boats in the world, rigid inflatable boats (RIBs). However, I didn't want to leave out inflatable dinghies either. Over the past few years on YouTube and other social media platforms, I've accumulated over 200 videos, which I now also want to integrate into this website to make it much easier for you to find answers to any questions you may have. Another novelty is that I will provide a consultancy service for the purchase of both second-hand and new RIBs, as well as assistance with the sale of boats or inflatable dinghies. And as a new feature, I'll also offer support with repairs! Not forgetting that you can now inquire about the adhesive or fabrics suppliers that I recommend, and have direct contacts! So, there's no need to ask your brother-in-law anymore; just ask directly to a professional who relies on a manufacturer, mechanic, and nautical consultancy.
New consultancy service for RIBs and inflatable dinghies by Yeray Sánchez. More and more people are in need of assistance from a professional with extensive knowledge in this type of boats. My work experience as an importer, commercial director, repairer, and finally a manufacturer taught me that every boat has some parameter that may not be liked by the end user and it's very easy to overlook. Taking the example of vehicles, it would be like having knee pain and choosing a very low one that is too uncomfortable to get in and out of, or having a family and choosing a three-door vehicle. In boating, something similar happens; each boat has specific deck, hull, or equipment whether it's for fishing, cruising, or work.